Tin type photo by Megan Karson

Jaimie Rudy brings a fresh take to old art forms, but her work is neither retro nor old-fashioned. Her unique style incorporates a variety of media; in embroidering contemplatives onto found photographs, block-printing valentines, gilding vintage baseball cards, building ladders from strike matches or quiet illustrations she highlights the glimmer of what makes the pre-existing noteworthy and invites pause, consideration and a touch of humor. Concepts are playful and introspective, themes often include environmentalism, humanity and a hint of rock + roll. Jaimie is especially interested in the process of art making, and the level of detail and time at work is as important as any final piece.

A child of the 1980’s, Jaimie was raised to believe humans could - and would - come together to solve problems of climate change and civil unrest. The recent body of work HOWDY FROM THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE uses vintage National Parks photos to ponder what is best described by a dear friend:
While nostalgia and satire may at first seem uncommon bedfellows, Rudy’s current work manages just that with an intriguing commingling of the American Great Outdoors and our habitual endangerment of it. Sparsely embroidered words across classic Americana vistas encourage the viewer to consider the stunning visual wealth of the West, and just where we fit as protectors or plunderers.

There’s no place like home.


Jaimie was born, raised, lives and works in the beautiful state of Colorado with her talented husband, baby boy and two felines.
She studied printmaking at the University of Denver and is currently pursuing her own practice in metalsmithing + jewelry design.

Jaimie owns and operates NO THIS OR THAT, an online shop for her handmade silver and brass jewelry. A selection of work is also available through Balefire Goods.

Shoutout Colorado (2021)
Voyage Denver (2019)
Cicada Wheels (2019)

For commissions, collaborations, questions:
please email hello@jaimierudy.com

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